Easy English Local Research Advisory Group

This is page has information about the Local Research Advisory Groups for Planning Inclusive Communities Research Project
We will say the Advisory Groups.

An Advisory Group is a group of people, called members.

The members help people with disabilities have a say in the research project.
There are 2 Advisory Groups:

Clarence and Greater Hobart Advisory Group, Tasmania

Gympie Advisory Group, Queensland.
The Advisory Groups started in February 2020.
What the Advisory Groups do
The advisory group:

Tells QUT ideas to better include people with disabilities in activities.

Talks to local people and local groups about QUT’s research.

Tells QUT ideas on ways to contact people so they know about the research.
Join an Advisory Group

If you would like to join one of the Advisory groups:

phone 07 3138 5123
More Information

Download the Terms of Reference and Expression of interest forms for more information.