Stage 1 - Complete
Note - this page is from Stage 1 of the project. Stage 1 is now complete.
Community Chats
The community chats are occurring in six (6) locations across the eastern shores of Hobart to gather local experiences, views, and ideas about making communities more inclusive for all people, all ages.
Cambridge - 2 September
Howrah - 8 September
Risdon Vale - 18 September
Rosny - 2 October
Clarence Plains - 15 October
South Arm Peninsula - 31 October

A community chat:
will be up to 20 people.
be face to face - unless covid restrictions.
take two (2) hours.
facilitated by Lisa, the lead researcher.
an artist will be there to draw the group ideas and actions being shared.
What you share in the chats is up to you.
share ideas or stories in small or larger group conversation,
write your ideas on anonymous sticky notes,
make comments on butchers’ paper, or
draw ideas.
What is created during the chats will be copied/uploaded by the researcher.
Assistant facilitators will also be present to help.
The chats will be audio recorded.
Food will be provided for participants

Who is it for?

We are interested in hearing from people with disabilities, chronic illness, local council staff, local community organisations, local businesses, planners/ architects/developers and other general community members.
The chats are supported by the Clarence Access Network including Clarence City Council, Disability Voices Tasmania, Mission Australian PITC, THS- Health Promotion, and Young Leaders of Tasmania.

Everyone who lives, works or studies in the Clarence City Council and the Greater Hobart area

People 9 years and over (if under 18, you will need parent/guardian consent)
Pre-registration Essential.
Only people who have pre-registered for the community chats can participate.
Pre-registration involves completing the consent & registration form - see below. This includes consent to participate in the research, registering for a community chat location, and outlining any specific needs to aid participation.
You can register using the online form, by downloading the form and emailing it, or by phone.
Places are limited.

1. Before Registering
Read the participant information
This is information is at the front of the online consent and registration form

Easy Read Version
You can also read the participant information sheet below. Click on the button to download the participant information sheet.
2. Complete Registration and Consent Here
We need your registration and consent to participate. The registration and consent form asks if you have read the participant information sheet and if you understand what is involved. This is giving your consent to participate.
You can do this on the online - click the link

Easy Read Version
If you would like help to do this over the phone contact Lisa - lead researcher

phone 03 6226 2143
Or you can down load the forms below, complete and return.

3. Preparing for the Community Chat
To help, you can write down some ideas to share or you can bring along photos that shows:
what makes communities inclusive - this could include images of spaces, infrastructure, places, etc.
what you would change or add to make community more inclusive for people of all ages, all disabilities.
This could include notes or images of areas that currently don’t work or don’t help to make community inclusive, for example lack of infrastructure, spaces, lack of connectivity for active mobility, and/or aesthetics.
If bringing photos /pictures, please avoid any with people’s faces in it for privacy.